Texas Disaster Legal Help Podcast
Texas Disaster Legal Help Podcast
Recovery After a Disaster: FEMA Appeals
Join the TDLH Podcast team as they talk with Christina Brown and Chase Porter about common oversights in the initial FEMA application and how to appeal a decision.
Visit our website https://texasdisasterlegalhelp.org/
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Track: Travel With Us — Vendredi [Audio Library Release]
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Recovery After a Disaster
Christina Brown (Lone Star Legal Aid)
Chase Brown (Lone Star Legal Aid)
(Recorded Oct. 2nd, 2020)
welcome everyone my name is pablo
almaguer you all know me the director of
government and private bar relations
there you go, it takes a while to say
that early in the morning here and i
haven't had enough coffee
but here together we're doing a the
joint project
that we're putting together some
podcasts for pro bono attorneys and this
is our
second cle topic third podcast
this one is gonna be recovery after a
disaster before we begin though on
the topic and
head over to belinda who's going to
introduce our two speakers i want to
just kind of remind you all what this is all
this project is a coordinated project
between legal aid of northwest texas
Lone star legal aid and texas
Rio grande legal aid
its aim of improving access to justice
for those affected by disasters
our project allows both disaster
survivors and pro bono attorneys to
access critical resources in one place
while at the same time making it easier
to connect disaster survivors need an
evil help the volunteer attorney is
willing to provide it
if you haven't gone yet to the website
this is a bit of a long website but you
can hopefully write it down
or we want to take back here a bit to
listen to it it's texas
disaster legal health dot
check it out see the many resources we
have there and include this podcast and
many others
so having said that here let me go ahead
and turn over to my co-host belinda
thank you pablo
our guests today are christina brown and
chase porter, christina is a
graduate of southern university law
and holds a bachelor's of arts from
university of texas at san antonio
she was an equal justice works fellow
serving in the disaster recover legal
drlc for the past two years she is
currently a staff attorney in the
disaster relief unit at lone star legal
she's dedicated to protecting and
advocating for the rights of vulnerable
communities and has experience
representing clients in various single
legal matters including workers
compensation personal injury and
liability claims our second guest is
chase porter
he's a graduate of texas a& m has a
master's degree in public policy from ut
Austin's LBJ school of public affairs
and he went to law school at the
university of texas school of law
he's currently an equal justice works
fellow at lsla's houston office working
environmental challenges facing
communities on the texas gulf coast
including the consequences of climate
Change and the increased frequency of disasters
he just finished in august two years as
a member of the equal justice works
disaster recovery
legal corps at lone star legal aid where
he focused on a broad number of issues
facing survivors of hurricane harvey in
houston and harris county
including handling a number of fema
thank you guys for being with us
so good to be here okay so just get to
start it
big pictures disasters
what are we seeing in texas
yeah so i mean i'll go ahead and i'll
answer that i think
you know specifically in texas
flooding right like that it kind of
seems like even if it's not necessarily
a hurricane right like a
just we all we're we seem to always get
a lot of that tropical moisture and so
you know holds over the city you know it
seems like every time it rains here
there's some sort of flood so i think
you know it's going to be for
you know specifically for houston
anyways i think it's probably more of
like a flooding situation
you know but although obviously we
see our fair share of you know
but i know that this is you know
maybe needs to be a little bit broader
so i know there's a lot of different
types of natural disasters and things
that occur
you know that would you know prompt you
fema you know assistance and help but
but yeah that's pretty much what you
know we see here
okay and i'm assuming with
climate change or whatever you believe
is causing it we are seeing
more disasters than in recent years i
know austin's have fires
dallas has tornadoes and lovely
houston gets
hurricanes just
have you seen the increase in the
last couple years last decade
and how much of an increase
definitely and in houston it seems like
you know i came here to help
specifically with harvey
and while i was still trying to help
people recover from harvey
we had hurricane or tropical storm
tropical storm rolled through we had
other flood events that that were
affecting people
so it's we're getting to a frequency
where it seems like
by the time we're just recovering from
the previous storm
we're being hit again which puts people
in this unfortunate
cycle of recovery and then
recovering again and i think we're
in in west texas we've seen some
we all know that what's going on on
the west coast right now
as we're speaking that we're seeing a
huge uptick
in not just hurricanes but fires
other flood events and you know i
suspect they'll see
more tornadoes and severe storms that
rip through parts of texas and in the
southeast so
we're certainly seeing more and more
events that bring
fema and other disaster assistance the
in fact let me just ask something here
real quick i'm sorry christina
i'll go ahead no and i mean i was just
going to piggyback on what chase said i
mean i can think that just in the last
years you know i think it was like
2015 and 2016 where we had the memorial day
flood the tax day floods you know
then in 2017 there was hurricane harvey
then there was
you know imelda and then hannah
and you know so it's like even in the
last five years it feels like
every year something you know there's
some sort of disaster
is affecting you know the southeast you
coast of texas and so it it really
had i mean fema's
you know doing a lot you know has been
helping out a lot you know for
those southeastern counties here in
yeah i was going to say when i you know
been practicing for 20 years which i
think is about the age of most of you
all here on the screen
and about 10 years ago or so just
take it take it though yeah
i'm actually have a screen here you
all can only listen to us but trust me
they sound and look young i'm the old
one here
but i remember that ten years ago we
didn't even have a disaster assistance
or recovery team in legal aid so i want
our pro bono attorneys to know that we
actually have to
specialize in it because many of the
people who are affected have to come to
us for services so now we have
all three legal aids maybe around the
nation too and have specified
specific teams that focus just on
disastrous assistance and recovery
isn't that the case for lone star and
for i'm sure also legal aid of
northwest texas
yes lone story does have a dedicated
disaster relief unit
and as you said it's become a hot button
Specialty law sector
unfortunately i mean it was
like at one point
i mean chase how many attorneys did we i
10 12 attorneys at one point and i was
about to say that
it the size of our unit has goes up and
down over time a little bit just
funding issues but there is definitely a
where we may have been the largest
individual group of attorneys at lone
star legal aid
we were our unit in houston was
certainly bigger than than
a number of our offices and that's
how much work there was to do yeah it
was like it's like a mid-sized firm
almost you know like of attorneys
just working on disaster assistance and
helping people recover
and things like that so i mean it's
definitely been an uptick i mean i think
that kind of shows just how
you know dire and kind of just how you
know repetitive
you know disaster disasters are becoming
at this point
that's right
Okay so after disaster when does fema show up
how do they show up
Well the big thing to keep out keep a lookout
after a disaster or potentially in the
days before
disaster if it's obvious that houston's
going to be hit by
a massive hurricane or new orleans or
that the president has to declare a
federal disaster
and in that that federal declaration
will identify
counties or states and where the
the disaster has been declared and then
he will
identify what types of assistance are
available fema
as i think most people know is a massive
with a number of of programs and types
of assistance
aimed at individuals on up to the local
state governments in that he will
identify individual assistance may be
and when that is in that declaration
that's when
legal aids client base individual
and individuals can get assistance from
so that's really the starting point when
you see that
that's when fema will will open up their
phone lines they'll open up their
and they will come physically come to
the disaster affected area
and set up what are called disaster
recovery centers
usually called the drc and this is where
individuals can
physically go to apply for fema
assistance in person
okay so they can go to these centers and
someone will help them with the initial
right you know a lot of people now
have smartphones especially
during covid more and more people have
gotten access to the internet but we
after a disaster it's quite possible
you won't have that ability or you maybe
you just don't have that technology
and so the drc's are set up where you
can physically go to
fema has staff available
sometimes they're legal aid or other
attorneys that are allowed in to
kind of help educate people but
that's where you can go to
physically interact with a fema rep who
can help you with the application
and let me let me ask about that i think
it happens at all drc's around the state
or nation
it's actually the aba young lawyers
division i believe that has a station
agreement with the drc's to have a
station there and usually the legal aid
manned those stations or one of those
many stations that people visited the
drc's is that correct
yes that's right yeah yeah and yeah
pablo and you and you say that and it's
like you know even
you know every time there's about an
impending you know
hurricane or something that's coming i
mean we literally have like disaster
hits in our trunks right like we
you're in the disaster relief unit like
you you have these these tools available
we're gonna have to then go out to those
centers right like if it does happen if
it does strike and so
you know we're prepared i mean that's
just the level of preparation that goes
into making sure that we can get out to
you know these centers and and you know
make sure that people
register and i also kind of just wanted
to note it that you know
people and this is for those you know
pro bono lawyers who have
no idea how to do this but you know
people only have 60 days to register
with fema right like so you only get
you know 60 days after the declaration
for you to be able to apply for fema you
know services and
sometimes it's extended but i don't even
like i don't even like to you know
rely on that because you know it's just
so important for people to know even if
even if you don't need the help even if
you have insurance like you know it's
just really important that people
if you were affected by the disaster you
just you definitely have to apply
you know within those days and so that's
like what chase was saying
if you don't have a smartphone if you
don't have access to those things
that's when those drc centers you know
become very beneficial to a lot of
people who you know are just trying to
you know
make it through what's already you know
a difficult situation
so i think what you're saying is that
you all were doing remote advocacy
before it was fashionable like it is
nowadays so we're ready to go in that
old box like
we have two right with some files with
your wi-fi
with your cell phone your satellite
phone sometimes to get through so i want
folks to know that we have experts in
the field here and all legal aids they
can answer your questions but
also remember that the largest number
of applicants of course go to the drc's
and we have somebody there so we get a
lot of applicants at legally because we
have somebody there
doing the intakes and that's why we need
the pro bono help
and also i guess the second phase of the
fema application is we do a lot of
for clients so just a
general note on appeals because that's
generally what the pro bono
volunteers are going to be doing so just
client has been denied what's the
deadline to appeal for fema
yeah so i mean the deadline is you know
it's sixty days
usually it's generally 60 days from the
date of the denial letter right
but i do kind of want to just go back to
you know
i i think it's really great that there's
pro bono attorneys out there that really
want to help because
we really do get inundated and all the
help that we can get during those
disasters i mean is so beneficial and we
can help so many people
but you know you want to make sure that
you get you know an authorization for
release of information for fema right if
you're gonna
represent these people be filing
their appeals make sure that you have
that because fema
you know they're not you you want to get
a copy of their file like right and the
only way that you can do that is with
that authorization for release of
information right
so i'm sorry i just wanted to kind of go
back no
actually that's a good point let's back
up what's the general process of an
just in general like where would you
right so i mean you know you apply for
and i don't know we wanted to get into
specifics on all there's a bunch of
different types of assistance that
you can you know that fema offers right
after a disaster has you know
hit and so you know when people start
applying for these different you know
and different you know disaster
assistance that's whenever you know you
start getting the denials right it's
it takes them about 90 days to come up
with a decision on what
you know what you qualify for the amount
you know things like that and so then
you know
people start getting those denial
letters and so when the denial letters
come you know usually it's
maybe they're missing some sort of
information from you know the file
or you know maybe a fema inspector
gone out there and says that they
believe that the home is
what they call habitable which means you
you can live in the home right we don't
think there was that much damage and so
yeah which is a very you know we
fight with that a lot it's a very
very subjective kind of
evaluation i guess you would like to
say that
that that they perform but you know
and so those appeals you know
you get a letter basically you're denied
whatever assistance that you've applied
for and you basically have 60 days right
60 days from the date of the denial letter
to either
you know appeal or supplement your
information get whatever
you know whatever else they need
there is
a good cause exception and you know i
kind of use the example like sometimes
people get hurt in
a disaster right sometimes people are in
the hospital sometimes people get sick i
mean there are a lot of things that
that would prevent you from being able
to you know file that appeal within that
day deadline and so
if you have some sort of good cause
argument you know
we would definitely try to do that a
lot for our clients
and and i'll hop in there and say that
there are a lot of reasons why
it's 60 days well first off it's 60 days
from the date of the letter
in fema people applicants our clients
can set up an online account where
they'll see the letter immediately
but a lot of times our clients are
receiving these letters through the mail
it's not 60 days from when they got it
it's 60 days from the date of the letter
and a big issue that i
i've seen is after a disaster if people
can't live
go back to their home their house it got
their apartment building is shut down
whatever it may be
a huge issue is that fema doesn't have a
current address
so when you do work with
the first time you talk to a client i
think it's always worth
asking them where are they living now
does fema have that address
how how are you receiving information
from fema
you can always make the argument that
you didn't receive the letter because
you moved but fema
potentially will tell you you know it's
on you to
inform us where you are and make sure
you're getting that information
another thing about the the deadline
i've found sometimes that
fema doesn't necessarily strictly follow
the 60 day rule
so i recommend sometimes if you're
you can go ahead and file the appeal
even if you don't clearly see that
there's good cause
you can go ahead and try it just make
that you're you're setting the
expectation for
the client that we are past the 60 days
i've made my good cause argument but
i'm not sure it's it's a winning one or
you just decide to file the appeal
without highlighting the fact that
you're past the 60 days and just tell
them we're gonna try
but i can't guarantee you that
they'll accept it
and as long as you set that expectation
up front i think you can go ahead and
try to get something in late
the worst case is you're told no best
cases they get help so keep that in mind
the 60 days depending
i guess on who's reviewing it i'm not
really sure how it happens it's a bit of
moving deadline you could say and i
think so just piggyback what you know
off of what chase said as far as like
managing your clients expectations
i think that's also important with like
you know when you're receiving that you
monetary you know assistance from fema
like you know
it's not meant to make you whole you
know and i think that's one of the
biggest misconceptions
is that you know people expect that
you know
you know fema's gonna give me everything
that i need to make my house you know
just the way it was before and and
the truth is it just doesn't work that
way right and so i think that it's
really important
you know if you do decide to take on
these fema appeals which are which are
super easy
super you know once you get the template
once you get it down and so i really
want to encourage
anyone who's listening to this you know
that that they're it's really easy and
it's a it's a really great way to help
people but
i agree with chase you definitely
have to manage you know
you have to manage their expectations
let me say something real quick here
because i know our pro bono attorneys
might not be
maybe they have taken cases before maybe
they have not but it's a very important
point you all kind of made in passing
but it is happening in fema cases
that the status the poverty status of
our clients is used against them as a
reason for denial and it's just
not we don't want to kind of ignore that
issue because it really is because
i've seen it you know our clients have
been told yeah you wanted to have your
your house without a roof in leaking
water in here you've had it like this
forever you live like this
because you haven't repaired it no i
have a humble abode because you know i
don't have the money to
you know expand it but it wasn't leaking
like this and those are literally
actually i've never been fights and
fema appeals that my house is not this
bad in this repair just i don't have
money to repair
i wanted to make that point for pro bono
attorneys because you will see some of
those appeals and
chase you mentioned date of the letter
that's the denial letter right of the
of the benefits yes so fema
after you apply fema will
look at your application and look at the
supporting documentation that was
submitted which could be
insurance policies receipts bills
i guess you could submit photos
they may send an inspector out to your
i'm backing up a little bit here back
kind of to the application process but
fema will send an inspector out to
the property to look at it
or they may do what's called a
geospatial inspection which is they
look at like a satellite image to see
damaged areas
and look at the documentation you
submitted they evaluate that and
identify what they
what they believe that you're
entitled to receive from them
they'll send a letter it may be an
award letter saying
you get all these things that
you you think you you might want or
they'll send a
what i call a partial denial letter
which says that you're receiving
x amount of money for these reasons
but we're denying this and this and here
are the reasons
or they'll just send a letter denying
you outright
that that's typically when
as attorneys we come in
that through the application process
it's a lot of education
answering questions when that appeal
letter comes through
typically that's when we step in and
we identify the
the type of assistance that they're
trying to to achieve
to to get and the reasons why fema has
denied them
and then so the date of that letter
starts that 60-day clock
christina mentioned supplementing
letters that we send to fema
supplementing our appeal letters which
are in response to the
denial letter as long as you get in
your initial
appeal within that 60 days or you have
good cause
or it's been accepted i always would
recommend that
if you you do have
supplemental information to give to fema
say for example the client
needs to provide insurance information
but they weren't able to get that
in time to send it within the 60 days
to send what you can to fema within the
60 days
and then up until you hear from fema
making a decision go ahead and
supplement that application
or that appeal with whatever
documentation whatever information you
can gather
up until that date don't hold
back information just because you've
already sent an appeal in
and you're past that 60 days i just want
to make sure we highlight that and
people know that they can do that
if your client ends up taking a video of
the damages
after the appeal letter or has some
documentation go ahead and give it to
the attorney and so it can be sent in
absolutely and make it when you
you have that initial conversation with
a client set that expectation
that they need to send you
whatever may be relevant and they need
to communicate with you that if they
receive a letter from fema
to send it to you soon as possible if
they're able
as soon as they're able to gather
documents to make sure that they can get
to you as soon as they can
and just a question there is
flat-out denial and there is denial
because missing paperwork
but let's say you do get some money
can you appeal
for additional money if you're like no i
had way more damages than what you're
saying i need a little bit more
absolutely yeah sure i mean you want to
take a chase
sure i i was just going to say that fema
they use a very specific system where
they identify
personal types of personal property or
elements of your house and they'll
they'll judge that
you know your kitchen needed so much
money and they may judge that your
doesn't need to be repaired if they
grant you some money to
to fix your kitchen up but you still
feel like your bedroom is not habitable
can't reasonably live there you can
file an appeal asking for more money and
the same goes for personal property if
give you a certain amount of money to
medication but it's not enough to
cover all the medication you lost you
can certainly appeal for more money
and i think i just want to kind of just
backtrack you know pablo
you know something that you said and
then kind of you know
similar to like what chase is saying is
that you know
those videos just like you said if you
you know it's so important that we do
that we're pro you know we're proactive
rather than reactive right
so i know we're talking about fema
appeals which is kind of after the
disaster has passed but
that's why it's so important even for
you know you pro bono attorneys out
there you know you guys have family on
you know gulf coasts or you know in
wildfires and things like that but that
you know you take a video of your home
take pictures of your home before
a disaster you know occurs and that way
you know
you know you have that and then and then
after it happens you know you also take
videos and photos right
it makes it a lot easier right when you
when you have a before and after to show
like hey this is the damage like
you know because just like you said some
people live very humbly
and you know and so you know an
inspector coming in may think that this
is already not like sorry we're not
going to help you because you want us to
fix your house up and it was never
you know whatever to begin with and so
that that's why it's really important to
kind of
just you know pictures videos you know
things like that are going to be really
really helpful
you know if you have them before and
then if you have them kind of like after
and so
you know it's always kind of good to you
know ask your clients that's why we do a
lot of like outreach
before the next disaster hits so that we
can make sure to get that kind of
information out
you know to people and it just makes
our lives easier their lives easier it
helps us to be able to help them get the
disaster assistance
you know that they need in a timely you
know manner
and and keep important documents in a
very safe place
you'll you'll find that fema
assistance to our client base and
potentially us and our families and
there there's a bunch of different
programs but
most of them are very document based
fema wants to see your insurance policy
fema wants to know
that you have a
prescription for this type of medication
needs to see your your bills for
keep those important documents like
a deed to your house something
showing the ownership of your house
if you're a renter a copy of your lease
make sure you have a copy of your lease
showing you occupy somewhere if you have
insurance on your car your house your
whatever it may be keep those documents
somewhere safe
identification right like you can't even
apply for fema
without an id you know so and it's like
if you don't have some sort of
waterproof container put it in a double
bag you know what i'm saying like
something simple it doesn't cost
a lot but you know that will even
protect it from you know protect your
documents from
you know from the floodwaters and so
yeah just like chase said it's that
that's that's really important
you know i actually i want to let pro
bono attorneys know not only is it
podcast available at the website that i
mentioned the top
of the recording here but some of these
forms are talking about some sample
stuff is also available there so if you
have a chance go to the website and
check that out
but if you want to contact your local
legal agency you want them some
you know sort of preventative training
to happen we do it for both clients
and attorneys how to prepare for a
disaster so you can prepare your office
or your clients can prepare for their
and the simple like a little advice
putting in a waterproof container for
that helps so much when you start doing
these appeals for your clients
a lot of a lot of fema denials are
are simply a paperwork issue
if you were to look at
the the big document explaining all the
eligibility criteria it's overwhelming
it's huge
but so many of the appeals that we
take on for clients we take on some that
are real
they're monsters of you're arguing about
whether a house is habitable and you're
it can be quite the fight but a lot of
are simply because fema didn't get a
because your client didn't have it at
the time or
fema didn't process it correctly or fema
just doesn't understand what they're
at and so a lot of issues if you can
work with the client to locate a
specific document
or or contact the insurance company and
get them to send you a policy whatever
it may be you can solve a lot of these
by just narrowing down what what
document does fema need to see and once
i submit that document
the gate will be open and i
the floodgate will be open i hate to
make the flood reference but
you know a lot of these appeals
really are one little discrete issue
and so if you can just see the denial
letter understand
what does fema need to see and if it's
not clear
call fema or reach out to a legal aid
you can you can do a lot of good by
sending fema one document with a little
explanation of what it is
you know i don't think i've ever done a
training for disaster assistance without
using those words flooding
opening the gates or perfect storm and i
always have to be careful i don't know
why but it happens
every time we talk about these things
oh no no you're fine you're absolutely
i'm just going to go back to you say
fema actually goes and inspects
the property either the apartment or
the home
does fema have set standards for those
inspections like
every inspector okay i getting a lot of head shaking
Everyone’s face... right belinda can see
our reactions
you want to go you can take the camera i
you know i mentioned that
christina knows that i i will
when i was still doing fema appeals up
until a couple weeks ago
fight to the death with fema over
the the standards are a little
basically this is important to know
we talked about managing expectations
and so
let me kind of go back to that
fema will if you let's say you have two
in your household fema will only
offer to repair enough of your house
that they think
is needed for two people so they may not
repair your entire house i've had this
with a client who she had a two-bedroom
house and she
lived there alone or fema thought she
lived there alone
they refused to touch one of her
and the one bedroom that they were
willing to repair
they only offered to repair so much of
because the standard is it has to be
and it's not always very obvious
where that standard is i've
you know i it's subjective we have no
idea how they make the determination if
we're just going to be 100 we have no
idea how fema
determines whether this house is
habitable and this one is like
i have no we don't know right and so it
it's kind of one of those battles that i
think we're kind of kind of like legal
like legal aides across the country are
gonna you know slowly have to fight
together to get some sort of clarity on
but as it stands right now
we don't have that the standard
go ahead pablo i'm sorry no no
i was just gonna say i you know make
it clear to clients and make sure that
you understand
that the standard for whether something
is habitable
or uninhabitable can be can appear
quite low and you have to be realistic
with the client that fema's
probably not going to fix your bedroom
all the way back up to where it was
before or your kitchen
if they
understand that they may be a little
more understanding of why
fema is continuing to deny them for
habitability reasons even if
we strongly disagree with that decision
it's just important to relay to clients
to make sure they understand
fema's not looking to make you
completely whole
you know and something to add to that
several of us organizations of legal aid
organizations around the nation actually
have actually filed suits
against fema to just have a definition
clarified you know
and we identify many of these issues
because we see them when the fema
denials come back so if you're a pro
bono attorney and seeing the pattern
you let us know it could probably work
on something to better define it and
are some large firms out there if
they're listening here you're part of a
large firm
who've assisted us in those appeals i'm
all in
in the clarifications of the regulations
that are sometimes non-existent i think
we have them like a super secret or
super super secret you know
sort of interpretations that we have
to kind of discover once in a while but
this is a benefit having pro bono attorneys
Help us out to identify these
yeah and then i just kind of wanted to
add to chase for the pro bono attorneys
that are listening to this you know
one of the ways we try to get around
the whole habitability argument
is we get other inspectors we we have other you
know people go out and
you know what's the word i'm looking for
contractors to go out and do estimates
like no
like they need at least fifty thousand
dollars based on you know the damages
that have occurred and so sometimes
getting those second opinions
and then submitting those with the
fema appeal right like
you know like sometimes you know that's
kind of the way that we try to get
around the habitability
you know kind of there well the
denial is the better word
i don't we haven't quite gone through it
and i don't know if i'm i'm kind of
the gun but just kind of just like what
needs to be in a fema appeal
you know we talked about the 60 days
you know you have to appeal
of course you know you're gonna have to
give a written explanation right include
the law and the facts you know stafford
you know things like that i think just
like you mentioned pablo you guys may
have some sort of resources
available some templates there
and then you know you're going to want
to make sure that you get copies of
Documents and photos from your clients
proof of the disaster losses like you
need that when you submit that appeal
like don't submit it
you absolutely need that information
and then every
every disaster in case anyone didn't
know every disaster has a four-digit
disaster number right and and and every
fema application has a nine digit fema
number and so you want to make sure that
that four digit disaster number and that
nine digit fema
application number is on every single
piece of documentation that you submit to
like i don't care if it's just a photo
of the front of that like
every in the i put it in the the
of of my appeals and i make sure i put
it because a lot of times stuff gets
lost and
you know they can't find they don't know
where it goes and then you you know so
it can become you know kind of
crazy to say the least in the whole you
know application and appeal process
and dealing with just fema in general
and then you know you got to make sure
that it's signed by the attorney and it
has to be signed by the applicant
under penalty of perjury right like the
applicant has to sign it under penalty
of perjury you know that
everything you know within here is
basically you know true and correct so i
just kind of wanted to just give just
kind of a really quick
like snapshot of what needs to be
included and you know what we do is we
make them exhibits right in the back of
the you know in the back of the appeal
give out you know you give out
everything you know the law the facts
you know how this pertains to that
particular client what you're asking
fema for
and then you know exhibit a b c d
I think i mean i think i had
almost to L one time like you know just
you know making sure that fema has
everything they need so
you know they can't say no you know and
so that's kind of
just kind of where go ahead yeah chase
you can
i mean i think you make a good point
first off there are
there are just some elements of an
appeal that need to be there
the the client's name address
their fema registration number the
disaster number
those can all be found on their denial
letter by the way
or if you have a question you can
call the fema hotline
importantly though fema won't talk to us
as their advocates
unless a fema authorization is on file
and i don't think fema has a standard
form but i think
all the legal aids have created a form
that they they send in
i'm correct me for wrong i'm sure
that form is available
some type of form like that's available
absolutely pro bono attorneys
texas disaster legal help website we
do have
sample appeals letter with citing the
stafford act and some examples of code
that may be helpful and then we also do
have a
a template for the authorization of
so yeah so always make sure that you
send that
in even if you're just sending in an
appeal that is signed by the
the client go ahead and send that
authorization into
if you're you're getting the client to
sign the appeal they can sign the
that way it's in if you need to call
the fema hotline to get clarification
about something
if you don't quite understand an appeal
letter or a denial letter excuse me
you can call and get a little bit more
and as far as you know all the evidence
and stuff
you can make a fema appeal as long as
involved as you want it i don't think it
does any harm
sometimes if they're asking for a
very discreet document
just write in your appeal letter on
october 1st 2020 you sent
client a letter stating that they're
denied for
assistance repairing their vehicle
because they
did not show that they didn’t have
insurance covering the damage
attached to this letter is the insurance
with the car and a letter from their
insurance company
saying that they are not covering the
damage and you can potentially just
leave it at that if you want to
or you can like christina was talking
about you can
add photos whatever you think is
appropriate just put in
more than what you think fema may want
to know if if you have the time and
ability to do so
and i want to point out something out
too that we talk about appeals here we
hear appeals and
we want to make sure as you hear from
the representers here they're not table
of contents
briefs you know code of appeals appeals
they're appealing
to administrative agencies so there
might be the stafford act some other
citations to the law
but you can be licensed anywhere in the
nation to help with fema appeals
in texas you can even be law students
supervised by a law professor for that
so don't feel intimidated by the word
you can advocate if you can advocate you
can make you can draft one of these
yeah i think most of the time fema
i think a lot of appeals are hand
written by a client that doesn't have
a legal advocate helping them so
yeah don't feel like it's not
you're not going to to miss a rule about
margins or
or font it's whatever form you want to
want to submit you can submit it just
make sure that you have that crucial bit
of information that the name address
registration number disaster number and
make sure that your client signs it with
the statement saying that i'm
signing this under penalty of perjury
will throw your appeal out if that's not
as long as you have that you're good to
go and the rest of it can be whatever
form you think makes the most sense
and then i kind of wanted to just give
like a little i don't know if it's a tip
or trick or
just you know you wouldn't know it if
this was your first time
helping with fema appeals and so you
know we generally
don't get the cases right off the bat
right like
help but let us because if if i was to
be able to send it the first time
we might have better luck right we
generally get them after they've been
once twice three times and now they're
coming like hey i need help
you know i keep getting a denial from
fema and so that's why that whole
authorization is really important to get
as soon as possible because
i'm gonna tell you i can't there's been
a lot of times where i requested the
entire file from
fema and i find the documents that they
that they never received you know
and so it's like you know
and sometimes you know our clients
aren't able to articulate
why they were denied sometimes fema
isn't very clear on why you know they
were denied and so
a copy of the file from fema can be
extremely extremely helpful and just you
as a lawyer kind of picking through
going through
okay let me understand kind of like
what's happened and where you are in the
of this appeal you know so that's kind
of a
you know depending on when you get it
right i mean if you're catching it
you know three months out the gate you
probably there's not gonna be a lot but
i mean we were getting cases
too i mean just like chase said like he
just finished a few weeks ago so
you know you have time to request that
file go through it
and like you know no you did have that
information so
what's you know what's the problem and
so i just kind of think that's
something that you know
would be kind of just a just a little
tidbit to help you out if it's
the first time you're having a deal you
know with with fema
okay so i just want to point out so even
though the appeal may be denied that
might not be the end of the road there
might be
other things you can still do to help
that client
maybe the most frustrating thing about
fema is in a denial letter
you'll often see a statement at the end
of it that says this decision is final
it's not you can keep appealing every
every denial letter never let that
stop you from continuing with the appeal
yeah i mean i think even for me i think
i my i had
where i think it was the fourth time
right she had already done it three
times by the time it got to me we were
on like the fourth appeal and i mean
every letter says this is the final this
decision is final
and you know once i did it submitted the
correct documentation i mean we were
able to get her an extra like four grand
i mean it don't just like chase said
like do not be discouraged don't it's
final like you know it it
again this is where those guidelines and
those things that we
you know need from fema would would come
and help but but yeah so i
just like that it's not final and and i
had one thing that that came to mind
that i wanted to make sure
sometimes we've talked a lot about a
denial letter
sometimes fema will send the client a
it's not a denial letter per se but it's
just asking for more information
it's saying that we need this document
that may not have that may have a
shorter timeline on it than
60 days fema the letter may
state that fema needs to document sent
to them within 20 days
i think maybe sometimes it's 10 days
although that
that seems a little quick to me but
this goes back to once you start that
making sure that the client understands
that that you need to get
the correspondence they receive from
fema as soon as they can get it to you
understanding that they may have
challenges and communication
following a disaster and just
just due to their ...pablo brought up the
issue that a lot of our clients don't
have great community access to
communication so keeping that in mind
but setting that expectation that they
need to send you these documents as soon
as they get them
because the you know if a client is as
frustrated and his
as christina said trying to appeal a
couple of times on their own they get
another letter
they kind of assume it's probably if
it doesn't award them something they
kind of assume
it's just another denial but on the
chance that
it's just asking for more information
make sure you don't miss that 20-day
deadline thinking you have 60 days to
send it in
so look at the letter take
the day seriously if you're if you're
going to be late you can try it anyways
but don't take the decision as final
part all that seriously
you can always appeal and just like
chase said like with the communication
and just like the lack of
understanding of just how the whole
process works for people
you know when you first get a client if
they don't understand it
get fema on the phone with your client
right before you i mean before you get
the authorization for release of
information if you call fema with your
client on the line
they will talk to you right like they'll
get permission from your clients
with them about it and then you can kind
of get a better understanding like hey
what happened why are you denying them
what do they need while you're waiting
the physical fema file to be sent to you
you know what i'm saying like
you don't have to wait because sometimes
that can take a month to get you know
you take a month to get a fema file
especially in the middle of a disaster
you know and so
you know call fema up now it's not
i didn't say it was going to be a quick
call but it makes you may be on the
phone for two hours with fema but
at least you then you are able to get a
better understanding as the lawyer
of like what's needed what we need to
start collecting what the client
needs because i'm gonna tell you eight
times out of ten the client doesn't know
and so they can't even articulate to you
all they know is they've gotten this
letter that says they're denied and so
that that would that is very i think
a really kind of helpful thing
for people to know i guess the best
practical advice you can probably
multitask because you're trying to call
fema because you're going to be on hold
you're being transferred over and over
many times let me just warn you right
yeah yeah and know that when you call
whoever you're talking to is a
representative that
is looking at the file for the first
time so understand that they've not seen
this particular file before and so
have that expectation yourself that it
may take a little while for them to find
the information you need
and be prepared to
try to be as specific as possible
in what you're asking and be prepared to
ask things a couple of different ways
or ask them to double check something
if something doesn't make sense ask them
to look at it again
because it is the first time they're
looking at that file they've not seen it
and there may be a lot of things going
on in it there may be
notes for different types of assistance
and you want to make sure that they're
looking at the the type that you
need information about so it can be a
bit frustrating but you'll get there
with them
it'll be alright okay thank you guys
i guess our final question is
you said most of the denial is for
missing paperwork missing documents
what are the other common types of
reason for denial i know when i was
doing fema appeals
it seemed proof of ownership was a big
thing i would see over and over again
have you had the same issues with proof
of ownerships of homes
yeah so
that's a really that's a really big you
the whole proof of ownership and i mean
what we call
you know a clear title right not having
clear title to your home
a lot of our clients you know
have inherited their homes right so this
was grandma's home and
then my mom lived here and my mom is now
deceased and now i live here but the
problem is is that
that home is still in grandma's name and
you know fema's not going to give you
that repair assistance or give you money
you don't own the home on paper and so
that's a really
really big thing and and the thing is
people you don't know
they don't know until the disaster hits
until they try to get the help and
they're like
well of course this is my house like
this was my you know this was my
mother's house it's my house now but
and so we definitely help and work with
them to make sure we get those
there's affidavits of heirships that
you can just different types of legal
documents to ensure
that they have you know homeowner rights
to that particular property and that
speeds up
you know the you know disaster
you know assistance recovery if you have
and and on the the title issue
fema sometimes will allow you
to file almost like an affidavit or a
statement from
your client explaining you know
have it notarized or have the perjury
statement on it saying that this is
why i own the home this is how i came
about ownership
you can always do that and send it in
and fema may honor that
even if you don't have
all the deeds and the affidavits of
heirship or
if you need to probate a will if you
don't have that done
especially because a lot of that can
take a while to do
you can always have the client explain
how they came about
ownership have that signed by them with
a notary or under
penalty of perjury send that to fema and
fema may honor that they don't always
title requirements that are as strict
or as high as
a title company may have if you're
trying to sell a house or
some of the other disaster programs
state and local programs
often have very strict title
requirements so one thing to do
and then that reminds me of a good point
is one thing to do
is as you work through a fema appeal and
if you do see that there are ownership
problems do what you can as a pro
bono attorney or
you know see if there is another
attorney at your firm that wants to do
some title clearing or go back to the
legal aid that you you spoke to
and see if one of their attorneys can do
it do your best to clear title
it will help them it may help them
recover from this disaster but it will
also put them
in a much better position in the future
when that other disaster
comes and hits we started this with
the discussion about how
frequently these are coming through so
get them ready for the future while also
helping them cover
to make a finer point but it's an
obvious point to some people that we
don't have large estates here i think
you can probably take care of any of
these title clearing quote-unquote
issues when there's somebody who's
passed away
affidavit of heirship small estates affidavit
Transfer on death deed and
those documents mean a lot to many of
our clients
you will not necessarily be in a full
probate if you do take on one of those
cases and find a title issue i guess
it's the big point
right and like our clients don't probate
right like that
like that's i mean you know so it's yeah
i mean just like pablo exactly like our
clients what
it's so those affidavits of heirship
and those transfer on death deeds are
like gold
like that's that gold standard for for
our clients right and so
but yeah yeah and you know and to pro
bono attorneys
if you have an issue and you can't
communicate with a client you can't get
certain documents
remember to always come back to us
Legal aid and give us a call we'll help
contact them we we have experts in the
fields we'll find a way
to locate them somewhere the other so
don't spin your wheels they're trying to
deal with this too much come back to us
for an issue
yeah and i mean i don't know i don't
mind like i'm but you know belinda and
if y'all get i don't mind answering any
pro bono questions helping out whatever
whatever y'all i mean y'all know how to
contact me so if you guys get that i
Am 100%
for that christina you're from the valley
i think earlier you told me and i'm from
the valley i have a lot of friends out
here i grew up here i have a bunch of
pro bono questions beyond disaster
so be careful what you wish for
i just wanted to real quickly make a
point about the help and support
on the texas disaster legal help website
we do have a knowledge resource library
with a bunch of templates and some basic
fema numbers there is
attorney mentors that you can speak with
and in the coming months we're actually
starting a live chat so if you have a
quick question
you can type it in real fast and maybe
get a real-time answer
so just we do support and help you
for the our volunteers who are willing
to help out our disaster survivors
though but thank you guys so much for
talking to us today
we really appreciate it having two
knowledgeable experts
help out on this podcast and give some
great information to our volunteers
so thank you thanks sir thanks for
having us belinda and pablo it's been
it's been great
i just want to tell the pro bono
attorneys y'all it's not hard it's so
like it seems like it's like it's hard
because it's foreign and you don't know
but it is fema appeals is the best way
that you can help
like your local community your family
your friends who've been affected by a
disaster so
that's that's my i'll end it
there but yeah i
it sounds
overwhelming but when you see
a specific reason for denial you'll
realize that
here's a discrete issue i can do this i
can get the right documents i can
get the right photos and you can take
care of it you can do it
as frustrating as it can feel at times
once you understand what the problem is
there's usually a pretty
straightforward way to address it
yeah i like the way you all kind of said
like for example it says final but it's
not final
there are regulations but they're not
regular that's such a legal kind of
thing to say but that's what you need
attorneys in this in advocates because
you uncover all that
you'll say when it's final you'll know
what the regulation is if you have an
attorney involved
yeah yeah
you just want to go ahead and walk us
out pablo
sure i think unless there's like we have
to give up five minutes here
if you want to give a quick story
maybe belinda is that okay
one each a good fema appeal that you
a quick one two minutes long
Go ahead
chase has the best one sure so you know
a theme of what i tell other legal aid
or pro bono attorneys is and what pablo
just talked about you know it'll be
final when we say it's final don't give
don't let don't let this final
this decision is final or the 60 days
lead you and the client to say we can't
take this any forward keep with
it i i had a client who
he leased a bedroom from his family so
he lived with family members and fema
gave him assistance and then gave his
family assistance they later
wanted to take his assistance back
because they thought they had given
they'd a family had double dipped
and he he came to legal aid after a year
of trying to fight it on his own
and he had missed all sorts of deadlines
i think he was past the deadline when he
came to me
i i ended up writing two appeal letters
that yes he's related to these people
but here's why he he was
leasing a room from them he should be
treated like any other person renting a
i sent a couple letters and there are
some other issues that we had to cover
as well but
i ended up writing a letter to the
regional office for this part of the
and i i got a phone call
and i had to write a second letter
saying hey it's been three months y'all
haven't contacted me
and i finally got a phone call from a
supervisor saying
we did a complete review of this we
we agree with 95% of what you said
we're completely past the deadlines
and they
gave him more assistance than we asked
and so that just hammered into me
keep going keep keep as long as you have
the time and ability to do it
keep fighting keep making the
argument because you may get there
even if it feels discouraging
you know i
think that issue you're talking about is
that a recoupment issue that's what they
Term it
that there is a recoupment issue so
fema if they feel that they have
overpaid somebody given too much
assistance for one reason or another
they may be able to recoup it
there are ways to argue that
you know if it was fema's fault you can
tell fema well that was your fault we
already spent the money so you can't get
it back but
if the client knows that they got
paid too much make sure they don't go
and spend it
and i ask about that because at tulane
university in louisiana who's seen their
share of disasters i passed through
i think they had a class action suit
about this issue a few years ago because
a year
after like the disaster you got you got
these letters from fema
yeah the regulation another another
thing that you may as a pro bono
attorney run into it it may be
two years from the last big disaster in
your area but that's when fema starts
going through the recoupment process and
so there may be an opportunity to take
one of those cases
and and make the argument of why fema
didn't overpay your client
or that if or that your client doesn't
have the ability to repay
yeah and i even have i have a few of
those recoupment cases now right like
from hurricane harvey so now fema’s
going back they're auditing you
know so that
and i know we're kind of getting a
little bit there's just so much within
fema but
you know that's why it's important
when people get that fema money you have
to use it specifically
for what they're giving it to you for
if you get home repair money it has to be used
on home repairs
you can't go put a down payment on a car
like that's not how this
would have well how about you buy your
rims for the car though
i mean you said this is not well i mean
well i mean you're just gonna you're not
gonna get a tax return you know to your
tax money for the next years if
that's the heck
you know so that's just kind of another
thing it just you gotta when you get
that money whatever they say it's that's
what you have to use it for i don't care
about because
they're gonna come back and they're
gonna ask for receipts and they're gonna
ask for proof
how did you spend the money that we gave
you and if you cannot
provide that to them you're gonna have
to pay the government back and so
you know that's we're dealing with a lot
of that right now but you know that
way past it the fema appeal part
well thank you yeah thank
you so there's a bit of social work
aspect that we have to do for our
clients once in a while that happens
that way but listen
christina chase thank you all so much
honestly not only for being part of this
discussion providing some great
but for taking part in such important
work you know at your local legal at
your own legal organization
belinda i don't know if anything else
you want to add here but i think we're
ready to wind up here
and give it an hour yeah i think it's
been a great
i think it's been a great podcast it has
been thank you so much folks really
appreciate it and i hope those listening
got a few ideas here and we'll go to
our website and pick up a few cases of
pro bono because even a year down the
line we'll be needing you
take it easy all okay bye